Pursuant to California Rules of Court 10.613(g), the Superior Court of California, County of Amador invites comments on new and revised local rules, forms and fees.

Local downloadable court forms appear in the tabbed sections below.
Judicial Council forms can be found at the California Courts Web site.

Amador Superior Court local forms are provided in PDF format and require Adobe Acrobat Reader to be installed on your local computer. If you have problems opening any of the forms, an updated version can be downloaded from the   Adobe website. Forms indicated as fillable may be filled out online but cannot be saved with the changes.
Non-fillable versions of all forms are also available. Forms may be downloaded by right-clicking on the form number link and selecting the "Save Target As..." or "Save Link As..." option to download the PDF file directly to your hard drive.
If the pdf form seems to load slowly, click the refresh button on your browser.
Form Description Effective Date Format
Invitation to Comment       
Notice of Court Investigation  PRG-011: - Provided by the Clerk to the Applicant when a Petition for Appointment of Guardian is filed providing information to the Applicant regarding the Court Investigation.   Adobe pdf file