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As of 02/15/2022, The Court has changed the method of access to tentative rulings.This page will temporarily maintain Tentative Rulings prior to 02/15/2022, NO NEW RULINGS WILL BE ADDED.
The new search method is the only supported way to access information from this date forward.
Click Here to Access Tentative Rulings
You will need to create an account on first-time use or login with your account.
( just supply your email address and provide a password you define ),
QUICK-INSTRUCTIONS on how to search.
Search for the case by case number, Last Name, or First Name. Click Search.
Select the Case Number link under the Case Number header,
Click the Events tab and a region will appear with the Tentative Rulings information.
View the Portal Quick Reference Guide
The Court formerly posts tentative rulings in the case types listed below.
PLEASE NOTE: Turn off your browser Popup Blocker
if the PDF calendars won't open for you.
To request a hearing on any matter on the CIVIL LAW & MOTION calendar:
You must call the Court at 209-257-2692 by 4:00 p.m. on the Court day
preceding the hearing date.
Notice of the intention to appear must also be given to all other parties. If the clerk
is not notified of a party’s intention to appear, there will be no hearing and
the tentative ruling becomes the order of the court.
No further notice of the
Court’s ruling will be provided.
View a tentative ruling by selecting the date from the drop down.
Rulings are posted at 2:00PM on the first court day before the scheduled conference.
To request a hearing on any matter on the CIVIL CASE MGT calendar:
You must call the Court at 209-257-2692 by 4:00 p.m. on the Court day preceding the hearing.
Notice of the intention to appear must also be given to all other parties. If the clerk is
not notified of a party’s intention to appear, there will be no hearing and the
tentative ruling will become the order of the Court.
No further notice of the
Court’s ruling will be provided.
View a tentative ruling by selecting the date from the drop down.
Rulings are posted at 2:00PM on the first court day before the scheduled conference.
Tentative rulings are for informational purposes only.
No final decision has been made by the Court.
As such, the Court will consider any new information
presented at the time of the hearing.
View a tentative ruling by selecting the date from the drop down.
Rulings are posted at 2:00PM on the first court day before the scheduled conference.
Tentative rulings are for informational purposes only.
No final decision has been made by the Court.
As such, the Court will consider any new information
presented at the time of the hearing.
View a tentative ruling by selecting the date from the drop down.