Office of the Family Law Facilitator and Self-Help Attorney
This office is staffed by: Kori Tearpak. Family Law Facilitator
Obtaining, Modifying or Terminating Child or Spousal Support.
Obtaining health insurance coverage for your children.
Obtaining or Modifying Orders pertaining to Health Insurance for minor
children and orders regarding uncovered medical expenses.
Establishing Paternity.
Establishing or Objecting to Support Arrearages.
Dissolution of Marriage/Legal Separation.
Child custody and visitation.
Domestic Violence Restraining Orders.
MAY assist both parties to a case.
There is no attorney client relationship.
MAY NOT give you personalized advice or assist in strategy.
MAY NOT go to Court with you and is not responsible
for the outcome of your case.
He/She will provide you with assistance and guidance to the necessary Court
forms, how to prepare them, plus legal and procedural information.
Care Act, Small Claims Advisor and Eviction Assistance
9:00AM - 3:00PM ( closed 12:00PM-1:00PM )
( Care Act Petitions are given priority )
Amador County Law Library
Conference Room C